Exercise for lumbar disc and sciatica

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Dr Turaj Yazdi / article / Exercise for lumbar disc and sciatica
Exercise for lumbar disc and sciatica

Exercise for lumbar disc and sciatica

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The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body. It starts with five nerve roots that protrude and join in the lower back and the holes between the vertebrae to form a nerve called the sciatic nerve. This nerve passes through the back of the buttocks and the back of the leg in the midline. Pain that is in the path of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica. This pain can cause burning or shooting pain in the buttocks that sometimes extends to the heel or sole.

Back exercises

With the advancement of technology, many daily tasks that have been done by humans in the past, today are done with automatic devices and machines, which has caused the inactivity of human muscles. For this reason, diseases and disorders caused by inactivity are becoming Is increasing. One of the major causes of low back pain is muscle weakness around the spine and abdomen. Therefore, strengthening these muscles can be effective in relieving back pain. These exercises are for strengthening the muscles as well as stretching the muscles and shortening ligaments. Because of inactivity, the ligaments gradually shorten. People with low back pain cannot exercise ordinary people, and this causes the muscles to weaken and weaken, resulting in slower recovery from back disease. These exercises are designed for patients with low back pain. People who cannot exercise in the gym for any reason can also use this exercise to strengthen the back muscles. Walk and warm up for a few minutes before doing the back exercise. If doing any back exercises is difficult for you or aggravates your pain, do not do that movement.

Exercise in the following cases and see your doctor:

۱- Your pain will not improve in two weeks.

۲- Experience severe pain when doing any of the exercises.

Knee to Chest Stretch

۱- Lie on your back on a mattress or carpet. Put a small, flat pillow or book under your head. Bend your knees and spread your legs straight and hip-sized. Keep your upper body relaxed and your chin gently placed on your chest.

۲- Bend one knee towards your chest and hold it with both hands. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds with controlled deep breaths.

۳- Then do the same with the opposite knee.

۴- Hold both knees and press to the chest.

Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Knee to Chest Stretch


Try doing 2 to 4 repetitions on each side. To make the exercise a little harder, keep one foot flat on the floor and lift the other leg toward the chest. You can also bring both knees to the chest.

Do not apply excessive pressure to the neck, chest, or shoulders.

Just stretch as far as you are comfortable.

Sciatic mobilizing stretch

۱- Lie on your back. Have a small, flat pillow or book under your head. Bend your knees and spread your legs straight and hip-sized. Keep your upper body relaxed and gently insert your chin.

۲- Bend one knee towards your chest. Hold the back of your leg with both hands and then gently straighten the knee. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds and take painful breaths. Bend the knee and return to the original position.

۳- Then do the same with the other side’s knee.

۴- Repeat this exercise three times.

Sciatic mobilizing stretch


Push your back down when pulling.

Just stretch as comfortably as possible.

Back Extension

۱- Lie on your stomach and lie on your arms with your elbows bent to the side. Look at the ground and keep your neck straight.

۲- Keep your neck straight, pull your torso back and arch your back. Breathe in and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Return to starting position.

۳- Repeat these 8 to 10 times.

Back Extension


Do not bend your neck back.

Place your pelvis on the floor.

Standing hamstring stretch

۱- Stand up and lift one foot towards a fixed object such as a step. Keep that foot straight and your toes pointing up.

۲- Lean forward while keeping your back straight. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds while taking deep breaths.

 Repeat these 2 or 3 times with each foot.

Standing hamstring stretch


Be careful when doing this exercise. Hold something if necessary and do not stretch too much.

Just stretch as comfortably as possible.

Your back should never be arched when stretching.

Lying deep gluteal stretch

۱- Lie on your back. Put a small, flat pillow or book under your head. Bend your left leg and place your right foot on your left thigh.

۲- Take your left thigh and pull it towards you. Do not lift your spine or pelvis off the ground. You should feel a stretch in your right hip. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds while taking deep breaths.

۳- Do the same for the other party.

۴- Repeat this 3 times with each side.

Lying deep gluteal stretch


If you cannot hold your thighs with your hands, use a towel around your thighs.

Pelvic tilt

This is another simple exercise that is useful for sciatica.

Pelvic tilt

۱- Lie on your back and bend your knees and place your hands next to you.

۲- Tighten your abdominal muscles, press your back to the ground and shake your hips and pelvis slightly upwards.

۳- Stay in this position for a few seconds. In order for your abdominal muscles to tighten, try to stick your navel to your spine, that is, give your abdomen to you and breathe at this stage.

۴- Release after a few seconds. Then repeat.

Try to repeat 8 to 12 times.







The best way for disc surgery and it’s fundamentals
⭐Turaj Yazdi M. D.⭐

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